Before proceeding further, I recommend you to read the Introduction for my trading activity.
For the calendar year 2012, net gain at Silver Ven Capital was 80% after commisions and other expenses. My 2011 performance was posted here (click link). Volatility was at low levels through 2012 though there were whipsaws all along. Trading was overall good in 2012, we continue to make very good progress. One of the biggest losses for me came from the plunge of KCG. I had to close KCG shares at a loss of 60% on overnight gap down. The good thing about this trade was I had correct position sizing, as a result my account had no significant impact. I rue such losses though, but we cannot expect such events. Hence, I always stress on correct position sizing for the account.
A, One of the first goals of 2012 was to reduce commisions on trading. Commisions for 2012 were 15% lower than 2011. I had a goal of cutting these expenses by 50% which I could not achieve. I plan to reduce the expenses more than 2012.
B, Another goal for this blog is to post my trades in a journal format for everyone to format. I plan to start posting my trades in real time on this blog in a spreadsheet within the next few days. Keep glued to this space.
I wish all readers a very Happy New Year 2013 and continued success!