Previous market update here
The market was on a sell signal from the previous update. After 8 sessions, yet, the market is at the same point (SPX as barometer). However, we have not gotten a buy signal. For this swing trade (next few days), the signal is still on a sell. The market should see lower prices. This call is only for the IT/ Intermediate term.
Could this be the end of the bull market? May be an initiation. We have stops for the long term market charts much lower, so we cannot call this a sell signal on the long term yet. But, we will see higher prices and this swing trade is a buy the dip. My common sense indicators suggest that this will be a buy on the dip. One of the stocks that is an example of this raging bull market is NFLX. NFLX is near its all time highs. Bull markets don't end when the leaders are hitting all time highs. We will take note when the change happens.